Question: How do you get in touch with that? How do you trust? Spirit Guide’s Reply: Firstly, [...]
Each being is a circle, a wholeness - body, spirit, past, present and forward willingness to future. Each of these parts of you are circles within you. For all things must come full turn to be whole.
I recently moved to the coast and wonder what that is going to look like for me. Am [...]
WATCH VIDEO Facilitator Question: May I ask you, if we wanted to share some information with others [...]
Connecting with Spirit… Ask and Wait How to wait for a confirmation without halting all of your [...]
This is something my blessed guide said to me last week. After a meditation where I had [...]
Yes, old things talk to me. Not unlike our DNA, which we can leave on articles from [...]
Women, judge yourself against no other. You are in a unique and wonderful experience. Draw upon the [...]
Conversation with a spirit guide about what happens after death I’ve been on a journey with a [...]
Is there a natural treatment for menopause symptoms instead of using Estrogen and progesterone? To listen to [...]
Each week a guide is asked to share a message to help us see what is in [...]
Adrian – Greetings, I want to ask you about spirit guides, helpers, beings; from higher realms. Realms like [...]
Sandy – Hello, how do you call your energy back when after crossing paths with people they [...]
This conversation concludes on the topic of DNA. Please click here to listen to the Guide Be thankful [...]
Why do we humans have junk DNA and will that ever serve a higher purpose? That is [...]
It has been 30 years since the leaving of my little son who died at age 9 [...]
Have other beings from other planets visited Earth? One of the previous NASA astronauts, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, [...]