
Ask and Wait

Connecting with Spirit…
Ask and Wait

How to wait for a confirmation without halting all of your life. You do have the capacity to hold love in your heart and do other things. So you have the ability to listen for an answer and be doing things in your life. I will pray, meditate, think of someone or some issue in the moment, then carry on. You are a miracle machine you can do this.

Walk with it, talk with it.

Eventually you will receive answers and solutions with ease and love.

Don’t be surprised if on this journey of enlightenment you begin to feel your body in a new sense. All of your senses may be heightened – smell, touch, and hearing. You may start to “see” your world in deep dimensions of colour and textures.

Now that you have become aware of your Being in time and space, ask for a communication from your Guide.

Some people see blue lights when Guides are present.

Some experience skin rushes.

All confirmations, in so many ways.

Some will have an object appear, ie: butterflies, pennies, feathers, daisies.

Eventually a deep knowing of a comforting feeling is present.

What do you see?

All of your life is there to teach you, to support your growth (evolution into enlightenment).

It’s about being present before all that vibrates before you in their own special way.

Artists have this vibrational sight.

Nature nurtures, restores, opens the very ions of your body.

Vision is more than an image. Before you there is an entire creation of thought that you may already possess… colours when you see.

Try to let go of preconceived ideas. All materials in your world have purpose. Can you still your conscious mind to just take in the whole of it, it’s beauty, it’s frailty?

Your physical bodies are receivers and transmitters.

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Jane Kennard YouTube Videos

Excerpt from book Something To Hold
by Jane Kennard
Author, Psychic, Medium, Channel
Shared Wisdom


You Are Not Alone


Photo by Joseph Vogel, Pexels

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