
This is it… The Overturn

Many years ago my Guide said to me that we were present in the time of The Overturn. I have to say, the word ‘overturn’ really meant nothing to me. It was explained to me that there was an imbalance of souls. The imbalance was created by a large number of souls growing and evolving in the body on their present paths leaving a gap. Now, there are a lot of new souls and a lot of old souls with very few middle-aged souls present on the planet. Middle-aged souls are the best at being politicians, teachers, leaders, and healers… they act. Whereas old souls sort of let all just be who they need to be, knowing that eventually, each soul would evolve… they trust. New souls are full of bravado and often crash their way through a life having little if no desire to know what chaos it may have caused. They are often the creators of friction.

For a long time, it was my feeling that The Overturn of Souls was about wars or political differences. I was trying to understand what an imbalance of old and new souls would look like. The opposite end of almost everything. This is not the physical age of people, it is the vibrational state of their soul.

All of us alive right now have come to be part of this. I myself didn’t understand in my conscious mind what it exactly meant except that it would be a great learning and could go either way. In other words, good or bad.

Guides in spirit have been saying over and over, and in many ways, for people to:

  • Step up
  • Speak your truth
  • Be that that you are
  • Create a conversation with spirit
  • This is the time of responsibility
  • All are of the one
  • The hero lies within
  • You have come with all the tools you need for your growth
  • Be present

They know what is at hand and are trying to help us.

It is my opinion, that this is now it – The Overturn of Souls. I believe that we each must own our part in the creation of the state we are in for we create our reality. This tiny invisible virus has come to bring all of us to focus. Each and everyone has learning at hand. This is a great intervention!

Are you being the best you can be?

Each of us has a choice that will affect not only our own growth but that of the world. Love in the infinite dimension. The time is now! Both your and my action will create the balance… or?

You are not alone.


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

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