
How can we know when it’s fear talking and when is it our intuition?

How do you get in touch with that? How do you trust?

Firstly, be in the moment. Do you know what that is? Don’t be in yesterday or tomorrow. Don’t be at the end of the five-year plan or back where you had the big fight. Be in the moment, right now—especially with children, and also with yourself. Anxiety is often because you are teetering on the precipice of doom, or devastation that happened before, or information you’ve received through your electrical means.

Practice being present. Practice feeling how your body is talking to you. Be aware of how it feels, be aware of how it moves. They are amazing things (these bodies) that you are creating to dwell in. You are the creator. You have a spirit with strong energy that inhabits this body that you’ve created, this lovely nest, for yourself.

But you’ve also come to a time when there is a great deal of chaos, there’s a great deal of vibrational disturbance, there’s a great deal of information coming at you from every angle. And it does overwhelm from time to time, especially your receivers (otherwise known as ears). It can completely overwhelm you. So, often it’s just a distant noise or even just too much noise in the room you are in.

So, find yourself a peaceful quiet place and be in the moment. And ask: What is it that I know? What is that phrase I hear you use? Bottom line. Just bottom-line it. Ask yourself, bottom line, what is bothering me? And just allow that.


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