Question: I would like to ask if we can become conscious of past life experiences, and also [...]
Mother: We’re coming to our festive time of Halloween, where we like to talk about… Spirit Guide: [...]
A guide sums up what we need to understand about past lives. We’ve been speaking about past [...]
This is something my blessed guide said to me last week. After a meditation where I had [...]
Jane Kennard received this question: Do souls recognize other souls after? We just can’t imagine that our [...]
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early in June will be able to catch [...]
Do we come to this life as new souls and continue to return until we become mature [...]
A guide speaks about past lives and how they resonate with us today This is an excerpt [...]
How to handle a strong connection with one you recognize from past lives I would like to [...]
Patiently Waiting – For as long as I can remember I have had feelings for someone who I [...]
Rose – What is causing my rash and itch and how do I heal this? Well, my [...]
Angela — There is one man I am truly deeply connected with, especially through music. He has always [...]
BJ would like to know more about promises made between two souls. She asks, “If a promise is [...]
A Seeker – I was told that I wrote previously in a past life. Can you tell [...]
lachicdina asks: Who am I? The Guide’s response: Who are you? Different beings sometimes wonder who they [...]
It’s Me 11 writes: Who was I in a previous lifetime and is it affecting how I [...]
Dearest Spirit Guide, I would like to know more about my connection to Chris. I have not [...]
Waronadipose writes: Am I old, new, or middle aged in the spirit. My curiosity is wondering how [...]
War on adipose – Can you give me insight on my relationship with FPG? Is there [...]
AJ – I was wondering if and how my past life experiences are influencing me (and [...]