Lingering feelings for one from long ago

PatientlyPatiently Waiting – For as long as I can remember I have had feelings for someone who I grew up with. I think of him often, wonder whether my feelings for him are mutual and whether we will connect. Click here to listen Guide

You have known this one for many lifetimes. That is why you feel an instant bond. As to whether you connect you will be quite surprised. If you spoke, this one would be very shy and will withdraw somewhat at first.

Do not expect the same scenario of other lifetimes to be present in this one.  Of course, there are different circumstances, but do not worry of these things– but feel that that you feel.

There’s nothing wrong with saying to a being “I have a strong feeling about you that I have known you from before.  He doesn’t have to know that perhaps if it was now, or then, or whevever.   And do not fear these great pulls to one another, you share the same energies.  Bless you for asking.

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  1. Steven March 5, 2015 at 4:25 pm - Reply

    Will I, SJ, recitify my marriage to my wife or will we end in divorce this year?

  2. Ann March 5, 2015 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    Ann – in my current job there there has been a lot of unexpected changes. I do try to go with the flow but realize I am feeling stressed with with it all and am now seeking support. Do you have any guidance with my health and energies at this time? A heart full thank you dear guides.

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