All things are possible


Hi, my long term boyfriend and I recently broke up and I just found out I am pregnant. Not sure what to do….feeling a bit confused. Can you help at all? Thank you!

Well, this is not something you can keep hidden, blessed one.  So, it is best to talk and try to remain, calm and open for that child is in the midst of such angst and this is not what you want.

You feel very alone right now.  The most important thing to remember is that you are love and that all things are possible. That dream you have of a love and a family can be by believing it, by trusting in it and moving into it.  It is not from negatives thoughts or opinions of others.  Believe in your own being, your own heart.  This was not an accident, my dear, this was meant to be.

How a path unfolds is up to the being, you.  You will choose and it shall be.  Your choices are very important.  You have to be the important part of it.  You have to believe in the wonder that you do believe in. Some will say you are immature.  It has nothing to do with having that wonderful belief.  Trust, blessed one.  Don’t be afraid.  You are strong.  You are radiant.  There are many around you to help you.  But stand in your truth and speak your words from your heart.  Do not expect others to do as you wish, but allow them the room to grow, to move.  Give them time to make decisions that they will make.  Do not be afraid.  You are not alone.


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  1. adrian August 28, 2012 at 8:54 am - Reply

    I want to contract my angles and my spirit guides. I’m not good at guided meditation, I meditate better in ”here and now”. I live in a very polluted city, I’m not so close to nature. I like very much the nature, I think that a vacation in nature could help me to connect with my guides/angels. But I can’t afford to go in a vacation in a place with clean air. Please tell me how to contact my angels/spirit guides? How many minutes should I meditate?In mid september is my birtday, I want to contact them for my birthday. I want this gift for my birtday. Many blessings.

  2. Funtastick August 28, 2012 at 11:10 am - Reply

    Hello Helpers and Guides. Thank you for the work that you do.

    Why do I seem to be so “hooked” on Kyle? He does not appear to have the same interest in me, plus I think he has a drinking problem. I have problems too. I want to be with him, but is he good for me, and will I have to lose weight before I would meet him in person so that he will be attracted to me?

    You said that there were 3 coming my way. I have a little concern since I have taken some steps back in my spiritual growth that I may miss those three. Know that I work on moving forward, but I have worked on it for so long that I tire of suffering.

    How can a child who did not receive the love that it needed from its mother and as a result has suffered greatly become whole like a child who was nurished and loved from infancy? One has the foundation for life and the other does not. How can the one who does not be expected to behave and more importantly feel like the one who has?

    Thank you in advance.

  3. ck August 29, 2012 at 10:39 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for taking the time, I appreciate your help! May I ask though, what exactly did you mean by “this was meant to be”? Am I meant to have this baby? Thank you again!

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