Working for the highest good

Anni writes, “Thank you beloved beings for doing this out of your hearts. We are so blessed having your guidance and healing comments. I am just wondering if my spirit guides have a message for me. I am about embarking on a great project in regards of affordable housing and I am wondering if it is guided for the highest good. And my work contract is up in December, what will I be doing after that?

Dearest one, you know your work is of the highest. For no matter what you choose, blessed one, it must be the highest.  You will work for that in all manner that you do and be.  I know you have these contracts, states of working, as in career.  If you take the time to concentrate on rest and assuring yourself time to restore your energies, there will always be a multitude of beings wanting your work, your advice, your wisdom.  Let it be open and allow it to come, and worry not.

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