What we refer to as soul mates the guide refers to as “travelling mates”

Soul mates1What really is a soul mate?  Is there a way to  know if somebody is a soul mate?

I am surprised you ask this question for you do know.  When you meet a being you are instantly are at peace with them. You feel comfortable in their being and their voice is familiar.  It doesn’t mean that their face or their body or anything about it is familiar, but it is sense that your heart lifts and a knowing of deep trust and safety abides with you and that being.

When you can talk for hours and never stop.  When you just simply with a  glance and you both know what you are saying, or one word can set you both off in gales of laughter.  We do not call them soul mates.  We call them travelling mates where you have lived lifetimes together before and you have come together for another reason. They don’t have to be the opposite sex and they don’t have to be someone that isn’t related to you.  And sometimes they can even start off as being an adversary, but slowly it opens, the knowing, the safety and the wonderful feeling of knowing their care without them saying it and you feeling the same way; the unspoken.

Oh, your world right now is filled with reasons for soul mates to be and analyze it.  It must exhaust them for one you have known for eons, it usually isn’t about a lot of talk, it is just about being.  But don’t think it will all be roses as it can often have many fights, but always ending in love for only one who has known forever will expect the best and the highest of you, or you of them.

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  1. Nicole February 7, 2014 at 9:43 pm - Reply

    Hello again. Thank you for all the guidance you have offered me thus far. If I may – just over a year ago I asked a question of you regarding finding a partner and your answer (in a nutshell) was that there was a person who would love me, but I had to ‘let them in’. I have struggled to understand what this meant – in practical, everyday terms that is, and a year later no such partner has appeared. I am beginning to feel that all hope is lost. I have tried to make a space for them in my life, but it feels more like a large gaping hole! I know I am getting old, and I am no oil painting! (lol). Has this person since moved one? I can’t expect them to wait. I know the ‘issue’ for me is one of self acceptance, and I have come to understand that I have built a barricade around my heart because deep down, for many, many reasons, I feel unworthy of being loved. But I feel so alone. Does it have to be this way? How can I open my heart to love when all I feel is pain?

  2. […] a year ago, I sat in on a reading with Jane, and had the chance to ask her about soul mates. Her answer was […]

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