Think of life as a constantly renewing path


Hello dear angels and guides.  Where do you see me 6 months from now? What kind of work will I be I doing? Love and light.

The guide’s response:

Oh dearest, you need to be your own boss. Such a talented being you are.  I know you have such sadness in your heart.  You want very much to be living in the ivy covered cottage, but the children and all things have to be around.  There is so much more for you than that. Not to say you can’t have that.  You have a creative force within you; that you know. Everything that you have touched has worked and does very well.

That is why you are feeling a bit frustrated with some parts of your path.  It is about loving yourself.  I will say to you, blessed one, take care of your heart, your love of self and all else will fall into place. Do not think of a path that is six months from now.  Think of it as constantly renewing and opening for who you were yesterday is different from who you are today.  You are more radiant, more beautiful and yet there is tomorrow. Be excited.  Be willing to love yourself my child and you shall be well.

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  1. Luz Chrysler April 7, 2011 at 1:20 am - Reply

    I’ve been bringing our Aspergers child tosocial skills coaching for a 12 months now and absolutely nothing seems to be getting any better.. Within the groups , he’ll implement whatever they’re coaching our kid. However as soon as he ventures into real life with other children in his class, We hardly ever notice our kid implement what he’s been recently taught. I do think We’re blowing our money if it doesn’t enhance the way he actually relates to boys and girls not in his social skills training. He might also have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

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