Seeking a direct message about suicide

Sayloe – I want to know with no bullshit, the absolute truth on what happens to ones soul when one commits suicide.

Well, my dear, suicide is usually the result of a person being in a place of no growth.  This can occur when a being becomes so confused and overwhelmed and sees no other avenue through a certain time or obstacle,  that it becomes a way in which to be in a life.  If the suicide was a choice because many in one’s family or friends had chosen it, it is a different outcome than if suicide is a choice simply because you are fed up with life and chose it in anger at others.

Do you see what I am trying to tell you, my dear?  There are many different outcomes.  As you know, every element of growth and learning has a vibrational quota. Suicide is a negative.  It means you must return to that place again to live and do all things you did before.  They might play out a little differently, but for sure the pain that caused the suicide will be present again.  And you must work though it and you must choose again.  There have been instances where beings have chosen it over and over and over and returned over and over and over until they saw the light, until they saw the wonder in that opportunity of growth.

Your soul passes out of the body and instantly feels regret.  It would instantly see the pain caused for not just your own being, but for others that encircle you.  Those that find you, those that had to perhaps have to clean up the mess. You feel this, the mourning, the pain, the difficulty.  You grow, hopefully.  You don’t move forward quickly because you now must understand the whole effect of that act on all lives that touched your life.  In your time of learning, in between lifetimes, it must be how your whole life affected others.  And often, even if one did wondrous things in life this ending changes that.  And it sometimes corrupts the growth that is possible for one to achieve in a lifetime.

I am not speaking of those who have been in terrible sickness and pain and chose a way out quickly after a long life.  But they too must return and allow that natural process to take place, but it is not quite as painful.  It is this and probably this time of pain, in between lives, because it is a choice that is unfinished, a promise incomplete.  You do know what I am talking about, a promise incomplete.

Bless you my child for your asking.  And if you know of someone who chooses this, talk to them, send love to them and to yourself.

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  1. Funtastick September 10, 2012 at 12:52 am - Reply

    Hi Guides. I know you are taking a break so when you come back if you can answer this clarification question on what you said in the “Seeking a direct message about suicide” post on 9/9/12., I would greatly appreciate it.

    You said in general if you commit suicide you have to come back to experience a similar life with the same problems. So my question is, “Many native Americans committed suicide to avoid the inhumane and brutal treatment they received from the Europeans, do they have to come back and re-experience such in-humane treatment because they committed suicide to avoid it?” If so, that is not love. Thank you.

  2. May September 10, 2012 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    Dearest friends,
    I was wondering how i can boost my self confidence? I come across many situations where it feels like im not good enough. For example, i like to sing, and my parents encourage me greatly to perform when i can, and as much as i enjoy it, i find that even if people compliment me, i batter myself!
    Me: ‘they said your good, but they didnt say your very good! Your not a good singer! stop listening to them.’
    I just have no self esteem! It really is stupid, but im so worried, i have major exams coming up, and have been bumped up and im now working with the most intelligent in my school, and i feel like im not going to be able to keep up. My exams are so important to me, my entire career depends on them!
    any help would be greatly appreciated!
    and i truly admire the work you do here!

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