Finding who you are after a failed relationship

J. Reid writes:

I have been separated from my husband for over a year now, the divorce should be final any day now. I have healed and moved forward in my life and I feel content and happy. (we were together for 2 years and it was a very tumultuous relationship). I guess my question is: am I ready to start dating or should I continue healing and being on my own? My life feels so great right now as a single person that I am scared to jeopardize this feeling of balance. Or am I just using that as an excuse because I am scared of getting hurt again? I don’t want my fears to hold me back. I do feel in my heart that my soul mate is out there somewhere. Maybe I will meet them when I least expect it? I feel I am at a crossroad almost, not sure why though.

The guide’s response:

Healing takes as long as it takes, my dear, and healing is a process.  It is not just that one day you get up and all of that is done and you continue with other things.  So, know that it is on-going.  And that is part of your fear.  It is part of your not knowing how to begin again.  It is part of your not knowing who you are yet and what you bring to whomever.  So, what does this tell you about yourself?  You are still a bit confused as to who you are.  For so long you lived under a shadow of what was expected to be that now you don’t know who expect yourself to be.

It would be good to first begin what you call dating, where one day you could just pick it up and do it.  It is the whole process of allowing someone into your path that you are confused about, because you don’t know how comfortable your path is yet.  There are days you say to yourself: Why would I invite anyone of chaos into my life?  And there are days you yearn to have someone to say: Look at this; isn’t it wonderful?  Understand that both states are good ones for beginning to heal again.  Keep the realization that you must be you and whoever they are will be whoever they are, and you will build a magical energy unique only to you two.  It must not fit any criteria, but simply allow the both of you to grow and be.  A soul mate  gives the understanding that there is only one, when that is not truth.  In fact, there are five entities right now that would love to be on your path.  Allow yourself time my dear and it shall be.

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  1. A October 28, 2010 at 10:59 am - Reply

    Hi beloved beings.

    I met this man breifly a year ago and we have stayed in contact via email since then. We have a great connection, however he is super busy in his life. I know we will meet again and that it might be meant to be. I am just wondering what messages you get in regards of this relationship? Sincerely…..

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