Feeling a loss of control over life

Nancy  writes:

I have many changes happening right now. My work has changed and is very unnerving, my relationship has changed and we may be at a crossroads, I have a huge financial debt and my horse Cheers died in November.  It was a horrible death and I miss him, he was my rock. With all of this upheaval I do not feel that I have control over any part of my life. Are all of these things stepping-stones to a better way or am I spiraling down. I am trying to maintain a reality but it does seem like nothing is going to be the same. Please enlighten me as to whether or not I am being lead in the right direction. Thank you.

The guide’s response:

Oh dearest one, energies around you do feel somewhat chaotic but within you there is peace.  You have an angst happening about what can be controlled but most of this comes from your grief.  You have lost something from which you drew great strength.  And you feel this has a huge, open gash in your spirit, and you feel as if your energies are hemorrhaging out of it.  And so, to protect yourself, know that that wonderful being is still with you, visits you constantly, trying to reassure you that you have learned from that experience and have the power and the strength to be that that you need to be.

As for the relationship, you have not been seeing it clearly.  It’s true you’ve just been grieving little one.  Do not be so hard on yourself.  Take some deep breaths, several deep breaths. Be still.  Listen to that great teacher that lies within you. You are wise.  You’ve learned a great deal.  As far as your career, know that you can have whatever you want now.  You’ve always known that; it’s just choosing what you want.  But when you are in great grief and feeling so cut off from your life, you must take time first for you.  Just bask in the light and the love.

I say to you:  see the world that you have created around you, there are dear friends, there is wonderment.  Witness that that you have, that that you are, by stepping outside of yourself and seeing yourself.  See your gentle beauty, how you are willing to help others, how you are sad right now.  And you can help you—by loving yourself, by showing yourself the beauty in the world, by allowing your physical body   as if a newborn baby experiencing again the smell of spring, the touch of cool air, or the lovely immersion in a warm bath.  Begin with the simplicities and wonders of the physical experience, and reunite yourself with the amazing path you are on.  Do not fear dearest.  Love and start to rejoice again.

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  1. galaxyg February 27, 2011 at 11:10 am - Reply

    would you please tell me a little more about a connection to one of my teachers of my early days. any information or deeper understanding to our relationship that you can reveal to me that would help me now would be wonderful. at times i feel a very strong presence like he is close to me. is there anything specific you would tell me about reconnecting, words, or visuals to awaken those memories. thanks and love. galaxygirl.

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