Communication problems


Kora asks about a friend named Al who she has had some problems communicating with. She says it has caused a distance in their relationship. She had tried to open communication with him but he shuts down her efforts and this hurts her heart. She asks if there is any advice about how to communicate and understand him better. Or is this something that’s just not working out?

It’s very clear that this being wants very much to have a relationship with Kora but is unable to at this time and so she must accept that. This one is frightened of her. Her bright, bright light is sometimes just overwhelming and he feels unable to communicate. It’s all very difficult for him; he has never had this openness. And speaking of true, deep feelings is very difficult, even though for her it might not seem difficult at all.

Tell her to just be loving, never face-to-face. Never demand an answer. To be that that she is, full of light and love and just radiate this to him. And in her gentle, non-intrusive way to welcome him back–with no demands. She sometimes is a little bit too bright. but that is not something she can control. To others who feel they have yet much to do, it can be overwhelming. When she is with him, tell her to just be still. To not do direct eye contact but just open her heart to him. To not feel that she should fill all the moments with words of great intuition of knowledge—but to be, as she truly is, a most wonderful being.

And so he does care for her?

Yes, but he’s afraid of her. He doesn’t realize it’s a fear. He just realizes that like this pushes him to make decisions and work. Is this bad for him? No, but if she wants him close she must be still right now.

I will pass that on. Thank you.

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  1. Anonymous May 12, 2009 at 7:54 pm - Reply

    Question: I feel (with shock/sadness) that motherhood has passed me by in this lifetime and wonder if this is to be for a purpose I am not aware of..or why? (ML)

  2. Andrea May 13, 2009 at 3:58 pm - Reply

    I have had recurring issues with my back and neck that are becoming quite painful I have been taking supplements and acupuncture and chiropractic treatments but I am beginning to wonder why this is not getting better. I am wondering if there is a karmic issue that is causing this recurring pain. Is there any insight you can give me? Can I do something to fix the root cause of this issue? Thank you very much!!

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