Greiving over the loss of her husband

Debbie is hoping for some answers after her husband passed away suddenly last month. She says, “He did have a bad heart and kept telling me for the last few years that I would be better off as he wasn’t able to do a lot of work around our home. I miss him very much every day and I don’t feel him here. I need to know if he’s ok. That’s the most important question I have right now. I feel so lonely without him and I have all the emotions that go with grieving, but mostly guilt. Thank you.”
Dearest one, you are still in deep shock and grief and numbness.  That is why you do not feel him close.  He is still close. You are not ready yet to sense this, but in time you will.  Oh, guilt, what a waste of energy that is! He feels only love and thankfulness o you.
It had to be that way. You were not to have a choice my dear.  It was not up to you.  You have balanced something that came from many, many lifetimes ago.  And a deep part of you knew of that and that is why you are feeling somewhat guilty that you could have stopped that.  The balance is complete.  The work is done.  You have fulfilled great growth for him and for yourself.   Give yourself time and love.  Slowly, you will love again.  Slowly, you will love again. You will love again.  There is no time limit.

Realize this is not a time of making choices or judgments. This void you feel you are in, it is because you are half spirit and half physical right now.   Clap your hands, listen to music and sing a song.  Remember, you are in the physical world and you are not complete yet.  There are promises yet to fulfill.  There is much love for you my child, much love.

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