Trust issues and inner work

Mary’s granddaughter asks about trust.  She says, “I have been trying to do a lot of inner work lately but still have a block regarding trust issues which I am concerned may damage some of my relationships.  Can you advise on how to deal with this block or tips on how to be clear on who to trust?”

This one desires very much to learn, to grow, to see, to evolve … to heighten her vibration.  Dear one, you say inner work, and I assume from this that you are looking to yourself. But I feel you are judging yourself my dear.  I want you to have the compassion of the universe for your own self.  Look upon your being with love, tenderness; this is the most precious gift. And know that you have difficulties, that sometimes you have said things and wished you hadn’t.

Stop hiding my child.  You have a wonderful path ahead of you.  You have come teach so many something very valuable.  Not yet time to know of it; in time you will.  Inner work: seek your truth.  Seek what you consider you.  When you make a choice, ask yourself how does it make your body feel? In your decisions, do they lift you?  Or do they make you feel heavy? Listen.  Watch. See who you truly are.  I see an amazing being.  You will too.


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  1. Anonymous October 18, 2009 at 7:59 pm - Reply

    Hi my name is Nancy. I have horses that have both been very ill for approximately 4 weeks. I have realized through this how much I love them and how much I need and want them to be here. I have put in as much time as I have been able to give, I have nursed them through bandaging, massage, and careing. I have had vet care (who is wonderful) and I am feeling guilty about whether or not I have created these illnesses in them and due to financial difficulties approximate a year ago I spoke with the universe and asked if it was time form them to go as it is a very big financial stress at times. With these vet bills I am once again scared about debt and money. I do not want to be so I would really like to believe that they will both get better and that money is not going to be an issue in my life anymore. So I actually have 2 questions in one. I love my animals and I want to believe that what we want we can have and that my horse friends will be happy and healthy and so will my bank account. Money problems seem to affect even the ability to love fully at times and that doesnt seem right. If this comment is not answerable I do understand as it is sounding a bit confusing when I reread it, I just dont know how to explain my guilt and delimma but I do know that I love Cheers and Sunny and I will do what I can to make them comfortable. I do know that so I have learned something from this experience. Any advice would help me. Thank you Nancy

  2. Anonymous October 19, 2009 at 12:43 pm - Reply

    Am I taking steps backwards by seeing a man I thought I had given up. This being is still very much in my thoughts and while I know that I must move on, he keeps coming back into my life and I know that it is because I initiate this to happen. Should I be leaving this alone? Also, am I preventing any chances of other opportunities for relationships to happen in my life if I am involved with this one. Does he want me to be in his life??

  3. Anonymous October 20, 2009 at 8:22 am - Reply

    Some of my close friends have been disagreeing with each other. It hasn’t been handled well by anyone including myself and I feel very bad about that. It has caused a divide and rift. It is very sad and probably a huge waste of energy. I really think it is a big misunderstanding. They just don’t communicate the same way and don’t seem to see that, in itself, is OK. Am I wrong to think it is just a matter of accepting each other for who we are and where we are at? Can I help or is it better to keep my nose out of it?

  4. Anonymous October 20, 2009 at 8:49 pm - Reply

    I am wondering if my Prince Charming is coming soon. I’ve been waiting too long and I’m ready for his arrival. Thanks.Aurora.

  5. Redbird October 25, 2009 at 12:47 am - Reply

    I am unhappy in my current job – it requires a long commute, the corporate culture is a mysonistic and abusive one where I don’t feel valued or respected, I am in fear of being laid off in our current economic environment which has resulted in huge cuts in my industry – software development and management.I want to work in a healthy environment – emotionally, physically, spiritually and politically – doing work that benefits people and our planet. I don’t know how to make the career leap and I’m feeling anxious, worried and quite hopeless. Please tell me how make my career change and whether I will be successful at finding well paying work close to home that brings me a high level of job satisfaction.Redbird

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