To dance in your own light
I Wonder – Dear guides what is the lesson I am yet to learn from ‘L’? We have met again after years and yet the pattern is as before with no effort, empty promises; yet some lovely words. Is there any sincerity or just charm? There does not seem to be any growth in this reunion and yet in some sense I wonder is there a purpose or potential? I am trying to be light and gentle as you’ve previously suggested, but I do feel frustration and disappointment. I would like to know the best way to deal with this situation, do they want a genuine friendship or in fact is my role to let this go….again (and why do we keep repeating the past)? I do not want to be a fool, as on the surface it seems clear they have no time for me, and I would really like to find peace in this ongoing scenario. I welcome any advice you could provide with huge thanks x
Blessed, blessed one you are very lonely. You want very much to have a partner and a relationship that is long and steady. So, in each encounter of meeting whether they be new or old, you put this forward first. It is very clear even though you do not speak it out loud as if you are often asking for too much at the beginning of knowing someone. The one who spoke to you to be kind and gentle, to be of light to be of laughter, to have not your needs to be met, to just be. Seek just light and friendship, have no expectations. This being fears your light. Oh no, he says very much loving words in kind. But, in truth, that you need so much that this being feels that he could ever fill this need. So, do not expect it from another. Seek to find that light and love within yourself. And that when you meet upon another being, share your light with them instead of needing from them. You are a beautiful being. You have much to give. See yourself as this as one who showers others with amazing joy. You are not a fool blessed one. You are not a fool, but you are a willing being wanting to love. You seek it from another when you need to seek it from yourself. You need to laugh, to sing, and to dance in your own light and then those that come to join you, you will create a new energy between the two. For that is what you need, that is what you want. Be light and love with this one, have no expectations. Allow L to grow and to open before you. And when you trust, you will do the same. But first seek love within. Bless you my child, for you are truly a beautiful being.
I know you have days of being lost, almost to the point of not knowing which direction to even be in. In those moments I want you to stand and feel the warmth of the love that surrounds you. Think not, speak not, just be. Be the love.
Thank you very much ladies & guides… and what a beautiful picture x