The silver network and asking for yourself

How do the guides identify who is posting a question on this blog?


I am part of the oneness that you are part of. I find it quite enjoyable even though I do not have emotions anymore. It is part of loving. I see the network and it is quite easy to instantly connect with the being. But they must have first taken the action of choosing and reaching out.

Do you understand what a great gift they give to themselves by doing that? By seeing that they have a need and not being afraid to ask for help, or assistance, they are opening up the universe to themselves. What a great gift. Some believe it is weak asking, in truth, it is the most empowering thing you can do in the physical world, asking for help.

We are often telling you that you must first ask for yourself because in doing that, you are loving yourself. Know this well: by doing so you will have the world at your fingertips. If you could see the silver network that exists (I know your blessed eyes cannot, but trust that it is there)and it moves like quicksilver. It is all present, the past is present.

Thank you for these wonderful words.

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  1. jessie January 4, 2010 at 11:32 am - Reply

    Dear Spirit Guides,I am a 38 year old woman who is searching to find her true purpose. I am unsure of myself in my career and love life and feel I need to know what direction to take. Do you have any advice on how to find true contentment in either or both. Are there signs I need to look out for?Jessie

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