Taking a moment to speak with angels

Ann-Marie writes:

Hi, just a quick question. I always see the number 22. When i check the time, it happens to be whatever hour, but minutes are always 22. I see license plates, addresses, even when I buy something my change consists of 22 cents.  I am never looking for the number, it just happens to pop up. Can you please let me know if this means anything?

The guide responds:

What would you like it to mean, blessed one?  For you have created it.  So, let’s see, would you like it to be a moment in which you speak with the angels and the guides around you?  Let it be that, then.  Let it be a moment where you have complete clarity with God.  First, love or just be still in the amazing process. For you stop at the 22, then why not give it a purpose?  You choose, my blessed one.  See yourself as the one constructing your path creating all of its magic and wonder.   You are love.

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  1. Gracie December 21, 2010 at 10:31 am - Reply

    Lately I have been struggling with a sense of belonging. I feel loneliness, emptiness and sadness. Whether it is with friends or family, I look around and feel like I’m on the outside looking in, and I don’t belong.

    There are a number of things that I would like to guidance upon and would appreciate some insight to help me through.

    1. Victoria, is this the place that I will stay?
    2. Will my son and daughter stay in Victoria?
    3. Financially, I’ve been struggling for many years. Though I am gainfully employed I do not seem to be able to get ahead. Will I find financial stability?
    4. Will I share my life with a partner? What is he like?

    Guides, I ask you to reveal to me the things I need to implement to help me maintain stability and abundance in all area of my life.

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