Searching for a true purpose
Jessie writes, “I am a 38 year old woman who is searching to find her true purpose. I am unsure of myself in my career and love life and feel I need to know what direction to take. Do you have any advice on how to find true contentment in either or both. Are there signs I need to look out for? I also struggle a lot with PMS and need guidance getting through it.
Dearest Jessie, first for your health, your PMS has to do with hormones, but it also has to do with diet, and rest and enough sleep. You need to make sure you get very simple foods. No fast food, or fried food, nothing too complex. Your diet should be simple. And you need to have a simple life in many ways, in many ways.
Truly, my dear, there are many things you could do and be and fulfill many paths. But you are going to be more than just one thing, so beware of that and embrace it.
Mostly important on your path, it will be much more about relationships than it is one career path. It is the bonds you make with each individual that will feed you and nourish you the greatest. I know you wonder about this, as you have the ability to love so many at different times. Old souls do this, it is a good thing.
You are about to make a choice and you don’t know if it is very right for you. Remember that you change and grow and you’ve never really made a bad decision. Trust yourself my dear.
Just like Jessie, I am not sure if I am on the right path. I need instructions!Gail
This is a quesstion about jealousy and envy!i used to be very jealous when i was younger but its hard to explain,i have grown a little and learned a little about love and i know that if you love someone you grant them freedom to do whatever they want and i am absolutely ok with that but why is there certain people who can really trigger these deep feelings in me/it eats away at me,sometimes its over the smallest things that dont seem to have any meaning!and i dont even have a partner,there is this one person who you know i love dearly and even an image of her or words she once said can bring up enough pain to leave me stuck for days!how do we know each other and are we helping each other to grow in this experience?is there any other ways for me to release and clear this pain or energy or is crying the best remedy?i could fill an olympic swimming pool with tears maybe!im sure we all could….it is so great that you can offer your guidance,this is a wonderful site and very much appreciated!thank you from Robbie