Old connections and bonds of love
Many years ago I dated a young man that my family did not like. They said he came from the ‘wrong side of town’. He moved away but I always wondered about him over the 40 years that I have not seen or heard from him. He was a gentleman and so kind to me. I cared for him deeply but knew that my family did not. Last month an acquaintance from that time came back into my life. We have many similarities now. I spoke of this man and said that of all the people I wonder about from my past he is the one I would love to hear from…love to know something about. I have said this to several over the years. She had seen him in the past 5 years and told me what she knew about him. Three days later he called! It felt as though I called out to him and he heard it several thousand miles away. We have been talking on the phone some since then. I’m married. He’s married. My spouse is like roommate to me and a nice man. Can you enlighten me?
Dearest one, you are very lonely, but you have never shared this with the mate you have. You have expected that he should read your mind. God love him, but he cannot read your mind. This being you reach out to, yes, you do have a bond with this one. But you do not have the richness and the history of a life as you do with your mate. It was not always as a roommate. Before you make any choices, take time to invest the excitement you have with the other one, into the one you have right now. No, I am not saying it will work magic. But you have to give him the opportunity.
You have been so self reliant, efficient, doing and being for everyone, that you are exhausted and empty and need filling up. Love yourself by speaking of your needs. I know you are afraid. You can do this. Open up to your mate. In time, you might even tell about the other connection. You must try everything for you are a being of such high standards and that the thought of hurting another being will cause you great pain. I know you say that you need to be held up for a while. Give him a chance to hold yourself up. Give yourself more time before you make any decisions. You are a beautiful being, trust in this.
I am married to a wonderful man and have a daughter. I have been extremely frustrated and sad over the past couple of years. I have had to send my daughter away from us to live with her grandparents because of our work schedules. My daughter left when she was 1 year old. We miss her terribly. I am also going back to school at this time and so is my husband. I am sad because my family is going to be seperated even more now, with my husband being in another state, and my daughter continuing to live in a different country. I have little option at this time but to go on with my studies. I just want to have a happy little family and want to have another baby too. When will we be a family again? I want for my husband and child to be happy and healthy and for us to be together soon. Please help me spirit guide.
My adopted daughter was abandoned by her parents. As I am in my 70s she is afraid of losing me to death and thus, effectively, being abandoned again. Can I tell her that love, like other forms of energy, is eternal…that when I leave this plane my love will still surround her and I will never desert her? I know that she would LIKE to hear that, but can I tell her it is TRUE?Pam
Pam, I just want to let you know that somehow this question didn’t get in with our latest batch. I’ll make sure that we ask it first thing the next time we do a blog channel and we’ll post the response on our circles within circles blog.Joanna