Many will join to heal our world

LightGrowing Soul – The guide talks of very special beings and refers to them as light workers. The concept going around on the web though is that of someone who feels compelled to help others or the planet to help evolve the Earth Consciousness. Are they different?

To many in your physical world the only way to see spirit is through light energy. But any being doing high spiritual work is a light worker.

It’s very interesting how your world evolves at this time, like all things cross. But trust that there are many among you that will join with you to heal your world, to leave it a better place for those yet to learn, and to return to.

You who are present now are weary of it, for you believed at one time in your path that things would be different. And yet they are the same circle—but with a different understanding now. Part of you is angry; part frustrated. But the most important thing is that you must not be apathetic towards it.

Have a choice. Even if it’s a very small one. It lifts your vibration.

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