
How To Support A Child When He Has Difficulties In The World

A concerned mum asks, is my son being supported by staff or pushed too hard in school, and will he become happier with peers or should I intervene more? How else can I support him in feeling confident and growing?

Spirit Guide’s Reply:
Firstly, by stop worrying. You have always worried child. You have seen many of the very wonderful aspects that he shall learn to grow through as burdens.

How to support a child when he has difficulties in the world is just to simply see him, and remind him that he is loved, that he can always rise above any situation to make it work for him.

Speak with respect and love to this being as an equal. No, not the heavy details of life and support, but allow a child this wonderful growing time, but of the magic of who he be and that anything is possible.

Develop the wonder and imagination for this is the greatest tool that any being needs in the world so full of fear, so filled with rules and regulations.

Speak to him that he can fit into any box that they expect him to. But in his truth and in his knowing of himself that he is greater than any of it. Speak to him that it is almost like playing a game, fulfilling that that they expect, knowing that his secret wonder and power is his and his alone and he will grow greater than it.

Do not worry, blessed one.

Be there as a strong source but know that he can do great things.

Trust, for he has also come to teach you as well.

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  1. jmaple March 12, 2012 at 1:29 pm - Reply


    At your Evening with the Guides on Jan 6th, one of the guides who came through identified “himself” as a mathematician. I was the one who stood up and asked him if he could tell any stories about himself. What was said was fascinating, and he also ended up saying some specific things about me. I would love to read through a transcript of that. Is it possible to get one? Or would you consider posting it on here? I think that I recognize some of what was said that evening has already been posted, so if it is coming up, I can wait patiently! Thank you!

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