Guidance for a dog that is wary around strangers and on walks

Michael asked about the welfare of his dog. He says that the dog is wary around strangers, particularly men and he has to wear a muzzle on walks. The dog seems to want to learn but his health is deteriorating. There has been a recent setback and Michael would like to have some guidance.

The situation now with this dear one is that both are nervous. And one feeds off the other one in these situations. So now they must make sure that all things for a while just be calm and quiet and fun. Change the habits; do not go on the same walk. He must understand that this beautiful animal’s sense of smell is much stronger than he might understand and all the familiar things—there is a creature that this one smells that frightens him. So change the walk, go different ways. I know that he thinks it is people that this one fears but it is not.

Is it another dog?


So he should go in different places where they can feel safer?

Yes, and give this beautiful being, the dog, a job—to carry something. Something that he feels he needs to do. This one is feeling somewhat useless right now. Not having enough time with his beloved one. I know they came to each other fairly recently, so there isn’t the strong knowing of what the other one does.
They need to have t a job together, something that they work towards; something habitual and reassuring. Each one is frightened of the unknown right now. And each one can help the other. Be close, be still. Know that each heart is felt by the other. The fear is truly understood by the dog.

Yes, I know that happens. If the dog senses your fear then they are more fearful and then you are more anxious and it builds that way.

Yes, it is very much like that.

So how to stop it is just to change things, change the pattern.

Very often by bringing in another creature, another dog, another being, to show that all is well—this might help. But I do not want to burden the being. He is a wonderful being, and finds himself often in the position of helping other beings. He likes to help those that find themselves a victim and do not see their own power. This dog is not a victim, but a very powerful being and wants to help him. This is a different dilemma; this is why he is confused. But the love is beautiful.

Thank you very much.

Music, tell him to play lots of music.

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  1. Elizabeth September 11, 2008 at 2:32 am - Reply

    Joanna and Jane,I have come to visit your blog regularly. You have provided answers to my questions and the last has made a dramatic change within me, ending a sad area. I’ve been fabulous since, skipping away like a child. But there is just one thing I just haven’t been able to figure out. And this is my question :)I have realized, for a while now, that I have trouble accepting love, any type of love. I believe I can give love, but I just can’t seem to receive it. I am now wanting to have a partner, but have pushed him away subconsciously by having foolish reactions. I don’t know how to go about this, and when someone says I love you and looks me in the eyes, whether its my mother or my friends, I can’t take it, and if I don’t pull away quickly I start crying, this happens automatically and I cannot control it. Can you imagine trying to have a partner???, its almost impossible to think how I would cope, I’m confused, I’ve no idea how to go about this, meditate? make more friends? I have zero idea. I don’t think I’m sad about this, but concerned.Thank you.

  2. Kristine September 15, 2008 at 5:33 pm - Reply

    Most recently, my ex-sister-in-law was rock climbing and fell accidentally and did not survive. She was only 41. Of course the passing of her is very, very sad and I do miss her. This sudden passing has left her ex-inlaws feeling a great deal of bitterness toward her (she chose to leave the marriage and pursue her own happiness 3 years ago). I do not share their negative understanding of who she was, so my question is this: How can I help them see “the bigger picture”? My mother-inlaw is my biggest concern through this.Thank you.

  3. Apollo Zero Jukebox September 18, 2008 at 10:38 am - Reply

    Can you tell me about soul clusters and about my own with Heath, James and River? Can a cluster or circle of souls all be experiencing the same issues or paths in different lifetimes? Do we recognize others subconsciously in our lifetimes as being part of this cluster and are drawn to them?

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