Finding Happiness Within

I want to ask also about Kristine who is asking for something more from the blog, some kind of interactive conversation. Do you have any comments about this or for her?

This being feels very alone and finds this comforting and wants to have as much as possible. Feels she is in a state of no growth—is going sideways. Has worked very hard on many things and is now deeply frustrated with this state of being. She wants to feel the sun on her face and joy on her children’s faces. This one has deep weariness within. It has nothing to do with this communication.

So many people feel this weariness within. It’s like we are feeling trapped by our life and all the commitments that we make and the day-to-day routines that keep us from finding joy in just being.

If you truly understand what “being” is, it means not thinking about what should occur a week from now, other than setting what should be in motion. Staying focused is a word that is often used and so misunderstood. To be intimately involved with what is occurring at the moment (as you are doing in this moment). That is when there seems to be time. It is when you are in 16, 17 18…100 different places at one time that the weariness sets in. The deep exhaustion, for it has not yet been accepted or able to be in all those places at one time.

Become still. Focus within this moment. If it is a state of deep pain, then address that deep pain and start to release layers of it…till you find out where that true deep point of pain (thumbtack, nail, whatever you call it) is. And release it; and heal it. Of course I speak metaphorically–for most of the pain created in your physical world comes from attitudes that are placed on people by others. Address and be in your own path. Be responsible for your own actions. Do not assume by thinking of what others do or be that you should be that as well. Be at peace with that that you are.

Happiness is being. It does not mean that you cannot be in pain and still be happy. It does not mean that you cannot be working very hard and still be happy. Happiness is being. Be in peace.

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  1. Becky January 21, 2009 at 8:09 am - Reply

    My daughter has a heart conditionand she wants to go back to Europe to travel. Is this in her best interest health wise. Will she have anymore heart issues while travelling. The doctors have saidat some pt she will have to have a new valve. Do the guides foresee this or anything major when she is travelling or anytime soon.

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