Dreams and a sense of kinship with a certain person
I have a question about dreams I have been having. For about five years now I have been having dreams about a man I know that I will call M. We are not close and I don’t know him that well but I do feel a certain something. I am not sure how to describe it — kinship maybe or familiarity. I definitely like this man very much. Is there any other reason for my feelings or the dreams or are they simply thoughts passing through my mind?
Spirit Guide’s Reply:
Interesting that you say ‘simply thoughts’. For this is an amazing thing in itself. Thoughts passing through a mind. And why would they be there? The dreams of course are all creations of your own being: needing, wanting this kinship, this knowing, to be more familiar. The fact is you do know this being from a past existence. And it was a very interesting relationship then. And yes, there is a certain thing that you have yet to finish in this lifetime, but it is not a major promise. You have chosen very many promises in this lifetime and that’s why you have very little time to find pleasure for yourself.
Allow it to be. Give it space. Do not put a lot of words between the two of you. Allow the feeling from one being to another to be. And you will see in time. I know what you want my dear. Allow this to open and it will be what it has to be.