Discovering light, airy and fun

funJaz – my grown children have become distant. My job is getting harder and I rather find some work at home situation to maintain that would be more pleasing. I will never be able to retire. I have been working on my spiritual life forever and just don’t seem to moving ahead. It’s all connected I know, how can I find harmony?

First of all, you need to do something you find fun in. You are feeling a little bit sorry for yourself right now. And that is alright. You are allowed. It has been a difficult road, but you must not close yourself off from the world. You are too much needed in your world because you are talkative and helpful and you bring people out of themselves and bring them to a place of happiness. This is necessary in your life.

If you were to close yourself off, oh, you know yourself, you would be slopping around the house and not achieving what you need to do. It is important for you to have actions as you’ve had them all of your life. If you were to stop them all of a sudden you would be even more down.  You are a little bit down right now.

So, what you need to do is to look for something outside of the home, outside of any “have to’s” that is just fun; light and airy and fun. Also, look for new work probably in the humanitarians that would bring you money and be very helpful for you. Even helping people in a time of need is very good for you.

Your spiritual growth does well, my dear. Why don’t you see it as all of your growth? You are spirit in body, trying to find your way through this maze.  You are doing very well. Sometimes in a path things might seem a little much out of balance, too heavy on “have to” and not enough on “want to.”

Think about that for a bit. There is not a whole lot you would want to change in your life, but there are some things and you can achieve this, most definitely.

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