Developing one’s psychic abilities

Imageace writes, “My psychic abilities are getting stronger and I am really look forward to helping others, people and animals with these gifts. Sometimes I feel “blocked” and frustrated with lack of information that I get. I don’t know who to trust or where to get help with this. I have had visions and have been warned about working with others, that I should probably work on my own, but I would love to know if I will ever get consistancy and Mastery of these abilities, and of those that I have, is there one that I should focus on more than others? Thank you!”

The evolution of your being my dear is a wondrous thing.  Should you concentrate more on your toes than your fingers? Should you concentrate more on your ears than your eyes? No dear.  All of you is important.  And let it just manifest as it needs to be. It is true you that you must establish your own way in which you are opening your channel, your communication will be.

And if something is in doubt then say out loud “I feel a great doubt.”  Perhaps even for you to put those words out.  Perhaps it is the word of doubt that you need to put out to the person.  When it comes to creatures that you read so well it is very often that there will be an unanswered question for they are finding a great deal of difficulty communicating.  You are doing perfectly.

Mastery is an interesting word because it indicates a state of control.  Dearest one, the longer you be you will understand there is no limits to what you can be and do.  So allow yourself your growth, your expression and rejoice in it.  There is not enough celebration in your life my dear as there is too much thinking about one way or the other.  Celebrate the whole of being.

When she said she doesn’t know who to trust or where to get help with that.

She is speaking of other teachers and beings of light.  She is in total communication with the entities that surround her and she must just maintain this.  It is not that she should close her mind to others as there are many views.  It might help a bit.  Following one strict regiment is not very good for her.

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