Confusion about career path

I’m confused about what to do with my work.  I recently was disappointed as I was very invested in this opportunity and then realized I couldn’t do it.  I don’t know what the next steps will be and I would appreciate some guidance please.

Yes.  You are an amazing being.  You would not do well to be limited in your abilities.  You had found yourself trying so very hard you exhausted every part of your being.  You believed in it and you now feel very confused that your belief was not right.  I want to tell you that is not true.  That there will be another place that is not as difficult for you to be in where you will do very much the same work, a little different, but you will find success.  But before you enter into that element, take time.  There is so much pressure on you, dearest one.  There is so much expectation you put upon yourself.  You hold yourself to such a high expectation that isn’t even yours.  It is as if you inherited it.  You might think that being a free spirit is a negative thing. It is not.  You need to experience a little more life before you tie yourself into anything as consuming as that.   It is not all about achieving things, it is about being.  I know.

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