Balancing sexual desires


Bobo writes, “Do you have any advice on balancing sexual desires? I feel like mine are out of control!

I haven’t been with anyone for a few years but I know I don’t need to.  Is this natural or have I repressed it without being aware of it? I am aware that we all have to deal with these energies, but it seems to have taken over my life and it drains my energy. It feels like i am powerless in this situation and like something takes over me when I am attracted to the opposite sex! I practice some taoist techniques and they do help but right now it feels like there’s no way out.  I feel like I have some negative attachments that are impossible to move away from. If you have any advice I would be very thankful.”

The joys of sexual desire. The joys of a physical body in all of its wonder in all of its beauty. When they are out of balance it does mean there is a difficulty at hand. It could be something you are avoiding and worrying about. In truth, it could be a job or it could be a relationship. When any part is out of balance you should pay attention to it. It is usually isn’t the very thing that is out of balance that is causing the disturbance. It is usually something else. A state of health mentally or physically, or a state of spirit. If you have a sexual imbalance, it is not sexual. It is usually emotional. A deep hurt, or an unfulfilled element of growth that needs to be attended to or paid attention to. Speak, find a trustful being. If you need to find help, seek it my dearest. There is nothing about the human condition that you should be uncomfortable about talking about. But find someone who will not judge you, that you find trust within and this will help.

Bobo mentions that he has these negative attachments that are impossible to move away from.

Nothing is impossible. You are choosing to stay in that place. You may not understand that, but you actually find comfort within that now. It is deep in the emotional centres. It has nothing to do with the sexual or physical parts of our body. You can move away if you are willing to help yourself.

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  1. Anonymous March 29, 2010 at 2:20 pm - Reply

    I would like to know if Hank considered our relationship a form of entertainment. Were there ever any feelings or motivation from him to spend time with me for meaningful reasons or was I just a joke? Just another ego boosting female admirer? I tried to be open with him – I probably tried too hard. I should be thankful for knowing him but I feel like a fool and wish I had never met him and wish I could erase any memory of him from my mind. Carol

  2. Anonymous March 29, 2010 at 3:19 pm - Reply

    Many years ago I dated a young man that my family did not like. They said he came from the ‘wrong side of town’. He moved away but I always wondered about him over the 40 years that I have not seen or heard from him. He was a gentleman and so kind to me. I cared for him deeply but knew that my family did not. Last month an acquaintance from that time came back into my life. We have many similarities now. I spoke of this man and said that of all the people I wonder about from my past he is the one I would love to hear from…love to know something about. I have said this to several over the years. She had seen him in the past 5 years and told me what she knew about him. Three days later he called! It felt as though I called out to him and he heard it several thousand miles away. We have been talking on the phone some since then. I’m married. He’s married. My spouse is like roommate to me and a nice man. Can you enlighten me?

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