Advice for being more comfortable around others

Lola has difficulty being interested in people. She writes, “I’m a bit anti-social, although I really don’t want to be. What can I do to not dislike people so much? Sometimes I feel very good about being around others, but it never seems to last very long and people often comment that I am too much of a loner or too quiet. Can you give me some advice as to how I might be able to socialize more freely without feeling like I’m forcing myself?

Lola, dearest one, very ancient beings often feel quite lonely.  They often feel they can’t communicate with those around them because their thoughts and thinking are quite different.   But you do enjoy people.  There is also a condition of great shyness and a feeling that you aren’t going to answer the right way, or that others will judge you–because you judge yourself very harshly my dear.  You are always three steps ahead of yourself my and thinking, “Oh no, that won’t be interesting” or “That won’t do for the way they think”.   Accept them for who they are and accept yourself for who you are.  In other words, be that that you are.  Open your mouth and give your opinions and love and share.  Shyness is a way of controlling a situation as well.  You are a bit fearful of these things.  Trust my dear, no one is going to hurt you.  Step forward. Enjoy them.  Enjoy them in all who they be.  And enjoy yourself in who you be.

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  1. Mocha May 26, 2010 at 11:56 pm - Reply


    I was wondering if you could tell me how my mother, Susan, can cure her acid reflux disease and also, why she has it in the first place? She is on medication that sort of helps, but there are many foods she cannot eat(she just regurgitates them back up). The medicine she takes is not natural and I do not believe it is healing the acid reflux, only putting a band-aid on it. I have tried apple cider vinegar, which helped quite a bit but only lasted a little while…

    What should she be doing to cure the disease? She is very stubborn and understandably tired of the pain, so she is afraid to go off the medication unless she sees something with good, relatively fast results. Any suggestions?

  2. dd June 3, 2010 at 11:09 am - Reply

    In younger years, I had a recurring dream, that at the time caused extreme anxiety. The dream was like no other, it was not visual, no sound to speak of, so very difficult to describe in words. I can only describe it as objects, vibrations or feelings in the distance slowly coming towards me. I would watch them come towards me. At first i would try and identify what they where, if there was a reason for concern. They would differ from dream to dream, sometimes i would be filled with fear until they got close enough for me to see/feel that they were of no harm to me, then i would be filled with reassurance. On other ocassions it would be the opposite, they would pretend to be these familiar objects that i have had connection with, until they were too close to hide and would manifest into a darker emotion, which caused me a lot of distress. 30 years since ive actually had these dreams but the sensation is with me any time i think about it. Ive thought over the years that these may have been my guides, but wondered who , or what the negative objects where and why they were interested in me?

  3. Missdynamicsoul June 5, 2010 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    The man in my life, KJ and I have been together for 4 yrs. now. I am very expressive and I scare him. I am on a path of wanting & learning to be more authentic. I believe he would like to be more authentic, also but fear takes over with some unresolved issues from his childhood with his mother. When we have a conflict he runs from it. He has recently taken a new job in Hawaii and wants me to come there so we can start a new life there. I have known for sometime now that I’m called to be around water and the weather would be great for my health. We love one another, but we struggle every couple of months. As I continue on my path of enlightenment do you see KJ & I living in Hawaii working out our struggles together and how do I make my space cozy for him to feel comfortable?

  4. Amy June 5, 2010 at 10:00 pm - Reply

    In younger years, I had a recurring dream, that at the time caused extreme anxiety. The dream was like no other, it was not visual, no sound to speak of, so very difficult to describe in words. I can only describe it as objects, vibrations or feelings in the distance slowly coming towards me. I would watch them come towards me. At first i would try and identify what they where, if there was a reason for concern. They would differ from dream to dream, sometimes i would be filled with fear until they got close enough for me to see/feel that they were of no harm to me, then i would be filled with reassurance. On other ocassions it would be the opposite, they would pretend to be these familiar objects that i have had connection with, until they were too close to hide and would manifest into a darker emotion, which caused me a lot of distress. 30 years since ive actually had these dreams but the sensation is with me any time i think about it. Ive thought over the years that these may have been my guides, but wondered who , or what the negative objects where and why they were interested in me?

  5. Missdynamicsoul June 6, 2010 at 7:00 am - Reply

    I see in my question above I wrote “If” I continue on my path of enlightenment, that so was not what I meant to write….AS I continue on my path of enlightenment. Thank you so much!

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