A question about sleep and scary dreams
Sdaiute writes:
I was wondering why I sleep so much and yet, am always tired. It seems that for years all I’ve had – when I get to sleep – are awful, scary dreams.
The guide’s response:
Well, my dear, there are several things at hand here. Sleep is a place of healing, of correcting, of growing, of learning. And sometimes it is a place that a being tries to stop all forward movement. Because it is a place that is a natural nurturing thing, it can be turned into a place of hiding. But, as you are seeing in these scary dreams, there is part of your being that feels very anxious and out of control.
It comes from an early experience you had in this life you now walk in, and in time you will be in touch with it. Fear not these dreams, but ask of yourself to understand why. Ask of yourself for the dream you manifest yourself that that is needed to be learned, or understood. There is a frightening occurrence that did happen to you, but it does not have to happen again, nor will it happen again. Take your time, fear it not. Investigate it and detach the emotions from it and investigate why you are creating these dreams. And know that you can have good, beautiful sleeps through the amount that is needed for your body. At first, when you have the true remembering of what occurred and at first you will have several different ones, but eventually you will know exactly what it is that occurred and then you take action to make peace with this. You will find your sleep deep and long and very replenishing and then it will normalize.
Bless you my child. Bless you for trying to understand all parts of your being and love your being.
Hi dear guides – can you provide some insight please into my physical health as of late? If the recent experiences are nervous system related, how can I balance this or what does my body/spirit need for healing? Much love, SW