Your history is your learning

A  writes:

I have the opportunity to be a business partner with my previous boyfriend W. He has not been trustworthy with my but he is great in business. Should I do this venture with him?  It is such a great cause and it will help people getting on their feet while planning for their future. It is an amazing little business that I can’t let this one slip out of my hands. I am not able to do this alone since the owner wants both of us. W and I are getting along again but I just want to make sure that this will be the right decision for me.

The guide’s response:

Dearest one, your history is your learning.  As one grows and evolves and choices are made and learning created, it gives you an understanding, a basis from which to make new choices.  You, my blessed one, have wisdom and so you know that that that was in the past is not something you wish to repeat.  You want to make this choice, to be part of this business, so be clear on what it is you are choosing.  Is it a return of that that was or a new, fresh, growing, vibrant movement?  If you choose to do this, all must be new.  Do not allow old ways to persist.  Have no part of that that was, but be that that you are.  And it shall be.  If you allow old ways, old conditions, things that didn’t fit before and you try to fit to now, that will ensue.  Expect new, fresh, and move forward.  Bless you my child, for having hope and trust that all things can change with growth.  Be in peace.

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