Words for one feeling lost and disheartened

Melanie  writes:

Hello, and thank you for taking my question.  I’m feeling very lost and disheartened by life around me, and I dont know where else to turn. I thought I had it all figured out, but these negative feelings are bringing me down too far. I need to know a bit about my spirit and the direction and purpose for this life: I need hope.

The guide responds:

You have hope, blessed one, for you are asking and so it shall be.  Do not ever think that the beings of light (guides, or angels or the radiant ones that come into your path) are too busy to help you, for that is not so.  There are many there to help you, both in spirit and in physical form.  But you must do your part by asking for it.  For in asking you give yourself the greatest gift: hope, light, the knowledge that there are answers.  Know that you are choosing the light and not the darkness, that there is wisdom in all parts of you.  That this sadness is being felt, and that is good and you are becoming weary with that feeling and so you are choosing to move forward.  You have been in the state of no growth and this is the sense of loss and feeling of no direction. But you also know it is not comfortable anymore and you will move forward.

It is true that sadness can create a comfort that many do choose to stay in, but you do not.  You are looking beyond.  You are seeking the light that is there for you.  That is your spirit talking to you, that blessed part of you, that amazing healer that must walk in all forms of the physical world in order to use this one time, in one day, that is yet to be.  For you will help many through this very thing that you are experiencing.  Why did you need to do it this way?  It is your choice to understand this.  It is your promise at hand.  But understand that this is a learning time, for you will offer it up to others that are displaced as you have been, for you are already moving out of it.  It is hard to understand that desperation can be a time of great learning for at that time you are surrounded by many wise beings.  It is so.  It is not surprising that you feel exhausted.  In time, you will understand this great gift that is upon you.   Blessed one, trust.  It is there for you.

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