Wondering what is ahead on her path

The Good Cook writes:

Thank you for your recent answer to my question regarding my husband’s passing. I read your posts everyday. Recently I have been doing readings with Angel Oracle Cards. I am amazed at the wisdom and accuracy of my angels. I have many decisions to make in my future. Where will I live? What will I do? Can my guides see what my future holds? Once it was so clear and now I feel unanchored.

The guide’s response:

Firstly, don’t be so impatient, beautiful one.  It is all so healing and still fresh with you.  Don’t be impatient.  You do see it now.  It is still rather affected by all that you have endured, and are growing and moving through.  Angel cards, oracle tools in which to allow the opening, the communication to be present, are wonderful things and you do use them.  But don’t limit yourself by them.  Don’t believe that your entities that surround you have some big gold map planned out there and they are sitting there looking and seeing you are on this path right now and ahead there is this tree.  That is not how it is, my dearest.  You are the amazing one who is in control of all that you learn and grow through.

As a very wise being once said, these growth opportunities are like beautiful books, or perhaps petals on your path.  In time, you might pick one up and look within and then proceed in that direction.  Promises, or elements of growth and learning, are there and will always be there until you decide to pick them up.   The conditions under which they appear, or are before you, are varied and as many as the ability to make recipes that are delightful.

And, do not doubt your amazing abilities to be focused into a way in which you can find a voice, an artistic measure into your world.  You are extremely artistic.  You’ve always felt you were very practical and down to earth and well, made lemonade out of lemons.  But, in truth, you could make crystalline lemon candy out of lemons.  There are many ways in which you could produce many things out of what is already at your fingertips.  You have such talent and are an amazing writer.  You could set a scene, little vignettes of great thought.  You could write a move script.  There is so much that lies ahead and you must choose.  Your guides are right there with you and you feel their warmth.  You see the beauty and you hear the words.  You are not alone.

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