Time to let go of a promise with an ex-husband?

Donna asks if it would be in her best interest to move residences.  She says, “Do I need to let go of what my former husband promised? Thank you.”

No. There is an element of a promise at hand with you, my child. It is not so much of the physical world, but a spiritual one. I know that part of you wishes to be done with it and a part of you wishes to not be done. There is part of you angry at yourself for not fighting for yourself. You need to be willing to forgive yourself for this. It is not holding up this process.

When a being speaks words that create a bond, it becomes a reality. This cannot be broken. You know very well if you could be still and alone with that being that you would be able to converse and have communion. But so much is clouded, so much is distorted. You know not where you belong in time and space with this one anymore. And, in truth, you are still stuck in that place in time. But it is not yet time to release from it. This might seem a burden to you, but I think you will understand it in time, parts of you does already.

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