Stop and witness your path

Kathleen asks:

I’m just wondering if there’s anything I need to be doing or doing differently in my life.


The guide’s response:

Dearest one, you are a wise, gentle being. And it’s always a  wise thing to stop and just witness your path.  Just step outside it for a moment and see:  who do you love?  Who do you have in your life?  How do their eyes light up when they see you?  How does your heart beat when you see them?

Ask your body:  Have I any pain when I think of any of these beings?  Do I wish to make something more at ease with them?  Are there words needed?  Is it touch, perhaps?  Am I too busy?  Do I have time for me?  Do I have time for them?  It is a wise being that stops to take account of what is.  Not quickly hurrying past all those fragile, wonderful moments that create growth not only for self, but also for others.  I am not surprised that you often feel rushed or even lost in your physical world.  The element of time is so prevalent in our society right now that it has become almost against instead of a tool to use for growth.

So witness your path.  Is it good enough to be called yours?  You know what is right for you, my child.  In that inner depth, that quiet knowing of who you be.  That teacher that lies within knows what is right for you.  Is this path one you feel good with?  For only you know this, my child.  Is this path Kathleen’s?

Bless you my child.  I know how wise you are.  I know how wondrous you are.  I know you will never stop growing.  You are light.


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  1. Robbie April 24, 2011 at 4:44 am - Reply

    I was wondering why i have been having so much difficulty breathing lately?I even ended up in hospital and had quite a scary experience,but was told i was just having an intense anxiety experience or attack.I enjoy deep breathing and experience the in and out of breath as a blessing and comfort so this experience is very challenging for me.I also practice meditation morning and night,but it doesnt seem to be possible at the moment.Probably a blessing in disguise for me,as i have lived with a lot of anxiety and loneliness for quite some time.I should not have expected to live my life like this for so long without causing some damage to my health.Maybe i really need to talk to somebody and open up but i really wouldnt know where to start.I was wondering if you could offer some kind words and advice as i have benefited from your loving guidance before.Thank you so much once again!

  2. smokingmirror1983 April 24, 2011 at 6:12 pm - Reply

    Hello. I would like to know why I have been experiencing an overwhelming sense of loneliness lately and when will this feeling end? I seem to lose friends for one reason or another. Additionally, I would like to ask the spirit guides the following: how I can have more friends in my life? And how can I attract more partners in my life with whom I can share true and meaningful intimacy? Why is it so difficult for me to meet men? What can I do to drastically improve my social and romantic life? And when can I expect to see improvements? Ultimately, I would like a husband and share a home. Will this happen for me? If so, when? If possible, I would like the spirit guides to provide me with clear and detailed actions that I can take. Thank you for your assistance.

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