Searching for time of birth

TimeFC – dear guides, what is my time of birth?

I understand why in the process of finding this out you are not asking about. You are unsure of who you be… and your parents.  You are feeling like someone who has been cut adrift but still has ties that go into the abyss… and what are they?

You must choose what is important to you, the past, the present, for your future.

You have read a great deal and listened to many who have said that your past is who you are.  This isn’t true. Each second in the physical domain can be anew.  It is often seen that when spirits enter into a body for a healing there is often a magnificent change in the personality of the being and they are different from that second forward.  All that has occurred is that a choice has been made.  But you can do this yourself.

Firstly, I want you to ask examine why you ask.  Is it for some more analysis of who you be?

Why do you think you struggle so much with who you be?

You have adopted an understanding of who you are from others never taking time to ask yourself who you are.  This beautiful heart that beats in this wondrous being is yours.  You created it.  Your light and your love made it be.

You choose which part is more important.  To find the actual date of arriving in the physical plane will be quite a process and that is why, not yet will I give it to you.  I want you to search it first.  I want you to ask why the roadblocks.  I want you to truly understand what your choices are.

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