Relevance of starseeds and other phenomenon

Tyler asks, “Can you give any insight into the relevance of the 11:11 phenomena and its relationship to starseeds, thank you.”
You will seek truth in many ways and it can be given in many ways. You, my child, will take the unbeaten path and seek out like many that have come before you. Talk about the light, the energies and the vibrations. There are many truths known only to you. You have skipped from physical dimensions back and forth and that is why you seek all knowledge of the physical barrier and the mystery and magic within. Yes, there is relevance to all of these things. But, don’t just seek the old path; seek new ones. Trust in your own wisdom. Many that have taught these ways of the enlightened one are in truth are to heal their own paths and their own need for answers. Seek your own answers, my child, and you shall find them.

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