Let it be your own light that radiates


Cheenu writes:

I hope you see how best I’m trying to change into a positive person.  I sometimes feel unfit in this world due to the virtues I carry and the spiritual path I intend to travel. The world feels to be unsafe place where I need to protect myself by reacting and speaking up. Often I find myself criticizing myself for the actions I took in dealing with people. I feel I should have been bolder. The stress is still there to behave as a practical human being (not emotional) and not to get disturbed by small comments and my reactions.

I’m trying to ask if I’m on correct path. And will I be finally comfortable with people and able to emerge out of this matrix eventually?  Will I be able to find that great peace within myself? And lastly was the gift of reiki in this life meant for a change in my path in accordance with my previous births as healer or there is something more to it?

The guide’s response:

Blessed being, you seek but as you see and hear–you fear it.  You set out on a path of enlightenment but the greatest difficulty is speaking of that.  This blessed being seeks to find the light and all manner of things that are present upon her path. She will find the light– whether it be through an old tradition of reiki, or the healing talents of others. She is a healer; she is a very high energy being.

She wants to be accepted by all, but firstly, she must be accepted by herself.  It is not that she must follow the truths of others, but rather to hear them and decide what is right for her.

Blessed one, speaking your truth is the most difficult at first until you realize that beings are willing to see you for who you wish to radiate.  Let it be your own light that radiates and you will do well.



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  1. Andrea November 18, 2011 at 6:11 pm - Reply

    I am finally blessed with child… a little boy who has just recently started fluttering around inside my tummy. I am thrilled. I know he is really a special soul and I cannot wait to see and experience the amazing individual he is going to be. My partner and I although we are of similar demeanor, we couldn’t be any more different when you peel away a few layers. I feel I can’t hear myself since I moved in with him. And with this little soul inside me I want now more than ever before to be completly intouch with all that I am meant to. I know the questions are supposed to be consice. Just know that I have this undying and ever growing need inside me to always understand more and I am full of questions that I don’t even know how to put into words. So pulling one question from my heart…….. Can you please tell me about my guide/guides? A message for me from one/all would be a wonderful gift if you could please. Thank you ……. love and light to you all!

  2. Robert May 14, 2012 at 7:27 am - Reply

    Hello dear Jane, I would have a dangerous question to ask you, but before answering, please check with your guides, if it is safe to reply to me. Basicly I have this trouble that I have some proof of whom I might have been in my previous life. The question would be, was I Loki in my past life?

    These are some related facts about me:
    Since childhood, I wanted to destroy humanity for it’s corruption.
    A thorn shoot me from a tree and it was from some spiritual matter, I removed it, and till this day, I have a mark on my hand.
    I know where Loki’s house is.
    A friend of mine summoned Loki’s voice from Loki in the past, and he avoided further confrontation from us via a same mind trick that I used, to save my self when I went crazy.
    I transformed my self into a falcon in one dream.

    Can you leave a comment if it’s safe? Thank you.

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