Healing for a nephew who overdosed
Donna writes, “My nephew Ty survived a near death. Will he heal physicall & emotionally? What needs to happen so he can move forward on his path? Thank you for all of those in the light and all helpers that have surrounded him.”
To go back to childhood. To relearn touch, tenderness, to feel. To feel loved. Most beings that choose this route of numbing cannot feel. This one needs to understand that he has choices and that he has the ability to make them. No one controls his life, but him. But first you must begin with love. And who has control over him to help him do this? Only himself. Tell him he is loved. Tell him he must find love for himself. This does not mean another person loving him, but within himself for himself. See that he is a good person and he has an amazing gift to give the world that he is denying by not wanting to feel.
You could have a very frank discussion with him, but everyone is afraid. They are afraid to rock the boat. They are afraid to tip him over. This is suicide in what he does, there is nothing to be lost. Speak your truth, whether it be you or others. Ask him what he is afraid of. Ask him what frightens him. For it is the fear to live is stronger than the desire to live. And so you must go to the early place in love where the message was conveyed that he was not good enough. Words and actions are needed. Yes, speak it brother, mother, all. You do know it is a call for help when a being tries to end a life. For, in truth, no being really wants to end their life. That is part of the free will to stay, to learn and grow. It is very strong in all of us until it is completed. It is known by many at the time that this is not the promise which he does now. He learned how to numb himself and then it just became a habit. So now it will take some energy and time to go deep within to find what it is he is hiding from.
You perhaps do not want to speak of these things but it will not harm. Beings usually when they can actually speak of their fear are exhausted thinking that they are hiding and holding it from others. When you speak of it, it usually means you need to sleep for a long time, as you are so exhausted like dragging around a dead body and trying not to allow it to stink. Dearest one, you fear, do not. There are choices and there is opportunity for growth.