Feeling like lashing out at a family member
Jan Jan feels she is being pushed back on a path she thought was blocked. She says, “I allowed things to just Be the last few weeks of 2009 and although there were some pretty tough moments we got through it. But I seem to be constantly at loggerheads with a close family member, its a very volatile situation and I feel like just giving up on this person. I am trying very hard to just let it BE, I bless the situation and the person but sometimes it all comes crashing down and all I want to do is just lash out in anger (verbally not physically). I value any insight you may have.
Dear heart, dear heart, there is great grieving within you and you are not as radiant as you could be. Lashing out is not what you want to do, and you know that it is wrong for you. Take time now to love yourself, to see yourself strong and whole. You know within yourself that you are a good, a wondrous being. If there is something that antagonizes you, be still, and examine it. Often times the thing that is the most irritating is something you need to learn from and something that has part of you within it.
Be patient within yourself, little one. Some parts are not willing to move forward, or to take a step forward in growth. Have humour and love. Be patient. You know your truth, blessed one. Lashing out only makes you feel bad. It is as if drinking the poison to hurt someone else; it will not help you my dear. Be still, love yourself. And in time you will forgive, you will love. Most importantly, you will be willing.
That is very strange – looks like the spirits are getting their wires crossed……….or maybe they are giving me a push since perhaps I did not take in the first answer.See Difficulty with a family member.Only these past couple of days have I been changing my attitude. Life has been a lot easier though.I’ve been taking more care of myself, worrying less and just letting a lot of anger go. The family member has found himself an outlet for his stress and his prospects are looking better.Finacially I am still struggling but look on it as a challenge. Last week every time I spent money it kept coming back to me in little ways. My creativity is coming back and I have started submitting my designs again to magazines. I have also been able to sever emotional ties on a few issues in my past and I am now ready to finally move forward. Thank you for this little jolt again.Love, light and lots of hugs to you all.janjan
Hi janjan,It wasn’t the guides that were getting their wires crossed, it was me. For some reason I posted this answer again, not realizing it had already been put on the blog. Maybe it was meant to be, as you say, as reinforcement for the message. Glad to hear things are moving forward for you.Joanna