Developing intuitive ability

I have been told that I need to use my intuitive gifts but I am not sure about the vehicle.  I have been asking every day and I am feeling impatient.   Is there anything I can do, say, tomorrow?

No.  If I give you a time limit you will follow it to the eighth degree for you are a very good person.  You never let anyone down, but you think you are not achieving something by just experiencing life for a while.  You are just beginning to awaken to that side of you, emotions, feelings and tenderness.  The draw on you is there.  Follow it and play.

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  1. itsme11 September 4, 2012 at 5:21 pm - Reply

    The new man in my mother’s life worries me. I am uncomfortable around him and I am uncomfortable with their plans of having children. The whole situation seems strange. I feel out of place and not part of anything. Something isn’t right, they are moving too fast, and I’m forced to accept so many changes all at once.

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