Considering a path of service

The Good Cook  writes:

I have recently been examining my life and where I want to be in a few years. I am considering a path of service, perhaps the Peace Corps. This is a recent seed in my head and heart and I think I want to let it grow for a bit to see where it leads before making any decisions. Can you give me any guidance as to this choice?

Guides’ reply:

Yes, dearest, you are a wonderful being, great light and love with great empathy and compassion. At this very time it would be best if you choose to go visit different places. To launch yourself with great expectations or burdens upon yourself  would be physical difficult for you now. No, I am not saying you are not strong, you are. Your heart is very vulnerable both physically and emotionally.  There are wonderful orphanages and there are places in Viet Nam where you could go and help and be present without exhausting your physical being. Look, travel, seek and have some joy and fun in this too blessed one, it does not have to be all so serious. Every action has the potential of growth for you blessed one, even the joyful ones. 

Bless you my child, you are loved and you are not alone.

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