Connecting with spirit guides

H writes, “Dear guides please can you tell me about my guardian angel/s and spirit guides, and how I can learn to connect with them…. as I have been trying for years. Many thanks.”

And they have been trying for many more.  And it is not that you haven’t communicated, many times.  But you have expectations my dear, so release those and feel with your whole being the love and support that is there for you.  Warm.  Let not your conscious mind twist you into a small box that is not at all where you want to be.  Allow these angels or beings (whatever you wish to call them).  Some of them are rough and burly and quite wondrous, some of them will draw you to a most amazing place to be still, to hear.

Ask them to use a form in which you would not expect, but you would know that it was them.  They have tried this many times but you feel it must be something you have asked for.  Listen to their energy, be it a butterfly, a penny, a light….  This is the path of least resistance, my child.  You have been trying so hard that you have become rigid.  Blessed one, that is not what you are about.  The tingling in your hands, don’t deny it.  Perhaps one wants to move through you.  Don’t be afraid of it.  For often your expectations cause limitations.  And you do not want this.  Be in peace.  They are with you.  Trust that you will find a form to communicate.  And know that we are here.

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  1. H September 1, 2010 at 10:37 am - Reply

    Thank you very much for your response. Please send my love to the guides, Jane and the team.

    H x

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