Being afraid to love

Morgan writes, “I am having a very difficult time controlling my emotions around a man that I am very attracted to. I know he cares about me but does not want a relationship with me. My day to day is finding me very sad about this situation. My heart beats for him to the point where I feel physically sick. Please shed some light on this situation so that I can come to peace with it as soon as possible. I know there is a gift in it, but for now I want to be able to settle myself about it all. Much much light and love.”

I want you, my dearest one, to take a step out of your life and have a good look at what is.  I want you to notice that when you truly feel love and happiness, how it has barriers around it.  You are afraid to love.  You are afraid to love one who has the freedom to love you back.  And why?  You are beautiful.   Your emotions that bubble up are truly blissful and wondrous.  And so, how do you heal and how do you seek a being that is present in your life without limitations?  Acknowledge first, love of yourself.  And yes, you do choose beautiful people to love.  Choose one to love you, for you are the most beautiful.

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  1. H September 11, 2010 at 1:06 am - Reply

    Dear Guides is my weight and issues around it blocking love from entering my life. How can I learn to ‘feel’ again and find a genuine companion, or is my growth path to remain on my own?

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