Availability of love to give and receive

Feet in water

Hello Helpers and Guides. Thank you for the work that you do.  Why do I seem to be so “hooked” on Kyle? He does not appear to have the same interest in me, plus I think he has a drinking problem. I have problems too. I want to be with him, but is he good for me, and will I have to lose weight before I would meet him in person so that he will be attracted to me?

You said that there were 3 coming my way. I have a little concern since I have taken some steps back in my spiritual growth that I may miss those three. Know that I work on moving forward, but I have worked on it for so long that I tire of suffering.

How can a child who did not receive the love that it needed from its mother and as a result has suffered greatly become whole like a child who was nourished and loved from infancy? One has the foundation for life and the other does not. How can the one who does not be expected to behave and more importantly feel like the one who has?  Thank you in advance.

Do not compare yourself to other beings, blessed one.  You and your path are what you needed to grow, to learn, to understand.   And when one has knowledge one then has the ability to make a choice, a different choice, the choice to have a better availability of love to receive it and to give it.  Compare yourself not to another being.  From where you stand you may look to have a perfect life.  Trust me my child, a perfect life can have many difficulties in it, for your life is perfect and in its imperfections it creates growth for you.

It is not too late.  You haven’t done so many wrongs that you cannot be that that you need to be.  No, dear, you have lost nothing, but gained much.  It is time to be that that you are.

You are putting a lot of time on your path appeasing others, making sure they were happy, putting your own need to grow and to be and experience all  in the form of a life last.  And now you feel that you don’t have time.   That you’ve done some wrong and won’t have that opportunity.  You do, it is at your fingertips.

Take time to be still and look upon your path.  Even though you’ve had such difficulties you love.  You love all beings, those that have held you back, those that have limited you.  This is an amazing being that can do this.  Bless you my cherub.  You love this being because you love beings.  You are not so hooked on this being as you are with the great desire to love someone in a permanent, strengthening, supportive way.

Look back on what you have learned.  Take time now to listen again, a new understanding of who you are. Bless you my child.

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  1. Funtastick October 8, 2012 at 12:38 am - Reply

    Hi Guides and Helpers,

    Please tell me what went wrong between K.C. and I. Did I screw it up? I want to learn from this experience. How will I know the right one has come along for marriage? My ideal is to marry on 12-21-12 because of its significance. I know sometimes I can be too trusting. Imust work on this. Thank you. Much light and love to you all.

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