Advice for one who loves two people at the same time

Nastassja writes, “I’ve become so lost I don’t know how I feel. I think I’m in love with two people who are both in love with me, and I don’t know what to do. My heart hurts so bad, as well as theirs, and I don’t want to cause anyone anymore pain. I want what’s best for me, but I don’t know what that is. Is there any insight or advice you can give me? Thank you so much for all that you all do.”

Dearest one, it is not surprising that when one looks outside of a relationship one might see another being that is lovely and loveable and exciting without any of the issues of the everyday life with its difficulties and the struggle.  The love that is at hand, that one that is closest to you, will always be a very strong being, but you have lost touch with the ability to talk to this one.  You are an amazing being, a loving, gentle being. It is not surprising that you are confused as there is so much at your fingertips.   Take time now to love yourself; to see what is at hand.

Your deepest desire to not hurt no one, must also include you.  So make no choices outside of choices of your own being right now.  Give yourself time and space and love, mostly love.  It’s important that all choices be at peace within yourself, but speak from your heart.  Understand the burdens you are under. It is not surprising that you would look to others for love, but firstly look to yourself.

Give a chance to your closest one; an opportunity to love you in the way you need to be loved.  Don’t close anyone out.   You have never demanded for yourself and you see all asking as a demand; thinking that they should know this and be as aware as you are.  But, this is not so.  For in a relationship the growing takes place like the ebb and flow of your amazing physical world.  You have grown quickly so allow some time to allow others to catch up.  Make sure you see this being wholly and completely before you make all choices. Bless you my child.

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  1. nastassja September 17, 2010 at 9:48 am - Reply

    Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond to my question and with such beautiful insights. I feel better about the situation and see clearer what I should do for myself. I truly appreciate this blog and always get so much out of every post. I aspire to make such a positive impact as you all are doing with this. Thank you again.

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