Sending love to a brother who is ill

My beloved brother is in a critical condition.  He is number one on the lung transplant list waiting for the surgery that could save the life.  He is weakening daily with the waiting.

I want to ask the guides about his situation, what more we can do for him.  He is such a lovely being who has healed many people through his own work and wants very much to live.

My dearest, blessed one, your heart is so heavy.  Your strongest desire to remove difficulty and pain for your blessed brother is so clear. And yet in your depth of being you know all is as it should be. This blessed brother is supported, and you know there is a reason for everything. Each element is for learning and growth. In this small space and time he has learned and growth has occurred.

Fear not, just be love.  Where that pain dwells in your chest, feel the depth of love and pour it to him.

I know that you are torn between going and staying here.  Being  by his side now would make it easier on you.  But know that he is not alone. He is surrounded by light and the laughter is most healing. His lungs haven’t given up.  But he has lost hope and you must erase this from his mind.  Tell him there is always hope and the possibility of growth and movement,  moving into love and life.

You have seen sadness in him that he has never spoken of, a  feeling of always trying to catch up and not quite making the bar.  Tell him how he has helped so many.  He must now address his own worth.

Know that there are many beings of love and light around him.  One is exquisite at fine surgeries.  Trust blessed one.  Bless all beings in the light and love of who they be.  Trust in all the magic coming together.  And you, blessed one, know this more than others.  You’ve given more love than will ever be known.  But we know.

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