Mother concerned about daughter’s healing

My daughter’s had numerous heart surgeries.   She is feeling different after the last surgery.  What is happening with her brain and why is it she is not able to speak clearly?

Dearest one, when a being has had surgeries and is given these heavy duty drugs to knock them out so there is no communion between the heart and the brain, there is a certain amount that the liver absorbs and then when it tries to return to normal, it releases it bit by bit and she will have complete days of blackout.  So, just be patient.  Be patient.

There is nothing specifically wrong with her brain?

She has quite a beautiful brain.  She loves to do things that are quite simple now, like puzzles.  These things would be good.  Just simple things with no expectations.   And tea is very good for this one.  Even tea with a cookie would be very good for her.

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